Things to know about your membership!
Rehearsal and concert information
Members and anyone wishing to join can view information regarding membership here. Our next concert will take place on December 7th, 2024, at 4 pm at the Rye Presbyterian Church in Rye, NY.
Our goal is to perform at a professional level. Your audition and acceptance into the WCS imply a commitment on your part to attend rehearsals, learn the repertoire thoroughly, and sing the full complement of concerts for the year.
We rehearse Tuesday evenings 7:00–9:00 pm with a 15 minute snack and chat break, at the Memorial United Methodist Church in White Plains, NY.
Click here for new member handbook
Additional rehearsals may be scheduled as we get close to performance dates: these dates and times will be announced well in advance.
Any member not planning to sing a concert must notify the Music Director and Section Leader prior to the first rehearsal for the concert. Attendance at weekly rehearsals and dress rehearsals is required. Be sure to sign the attendance sheets at each rehearsal. Members may not be absent from more than twenty five percent of rehearsals for a concert and may not miss a final rehearsal (except for religious reasons). Section Leaders monitor attendance. Please inform your Section Leader in advance if you expect to miss a rehearsal. Obtain score markings announced at missed rehearsals from the master copy prior to rehearsal.
Practice tracks for each voice part are available from several different sources at this link:
This link will not change from semester to semester - the Practice Tracks folder will contain files relevant to whatever music the choir is currently working on. The content will change from time to time as we move onto new music, but the layout and access links will remain the same.
Inside the folder, you will see instruction documents, such as a User Guide and Downloading Tips for Windows and Mac computers. You can either download these or you can just read them in your web browser. For each composer we are doing, there will be a folder in their name containing the available practice tracks for that piece and a variety of other files such as full performances, scores, lyrics and translations, pronunciation guides, and other available information.
Depending upon availability, the practice tracks may come from one or more sources - ChoralTracks [using normal singers], Choralia [using electronic voices, a bit like The Chipmunk’s, but still useful], or other sources in which the voice parts are generally emphasized by piano or other instruments, without lyrics. You can either listen to the tracks in your browser, or they can be downloaded to your computer, where they can be transferred to a smart phone, tablet or other device.
Rehearsal recordings
You can access our rehearsals here on our site by clicking the link below and entering the password. Subsequent rehearsals will be posted here as well
Standard WCS Concert Attire
Sopranos & Altos: Black floor-length skirt; black long-sleeve, jewel-neck top; black shoes & stockings; strand of pearls (available from Sandy Zinman at $5.00). Variation: colorful scarves, tops
Tenors & Basses: Black tuxedo or black/dark gray suit; white dress-shirt & black bow tie; black dress-shoes & socks. Variation: black dress shirts
All: please, no perfume, cologne, etc.
$250 ($125 per semester) payable via credit card through Choir Genius
New Member Incentive:
$50 off dues for all new members dues ($200 for the first year).
$50 off each member’s due for married couples ($200/year each).
$50 off dues for all members under the age of 40 ($200/year).
$50* off existing member’s dues for each new member brought in ($200 for 1 year)
*discount is for one year only.
Our policy is not to exclude anyone for financial reasons. Speak to one of the President or Treasurer to make alternative arrangements (confidentiality will be respected).
Ticket Obligation
Each member is required to sell the equivalent of 4 regular-priced tickets to each oconcert (6 tickets for married couples) to be paid for at least 2 weeks prior to the concert by check given to Carol Cherry. Ticket sales cover a significant portion of our yearly costs, but more important, singing to a full house enhances the joyful musical connection between us and our audience—the reason we became members of WCS to begin with.
There is ample parking in the lot at the back of the Memorial United Methodist Church.
As a volunteer organization, we encourage each member to volunteer to lead or work on committees and attend the events that provide outreach to the community and financial sustenance to the WCS. We are able to exist only because of the generous contributions of our members’ time and talent. Please volunteer by contacting the President or the people listed in the column at the right.
Katie Primm
Vice President
Aditi Chang
Lani Boyer
Susan Duncan
Shirlynn Chen
Mary Lincoln
Jayne Litton
Lynn Maier
Janet Martino, MD
Music Director
David Baranowski
Alex Glass
Section Leaders
Jayne Litton
Trish Chalifoux 914.472.7856
Tenors & Basses
Joseph Isherwood 914.924.4464
Budget and Finance
Lani Boyer
Concert Arrangements
Numa Rousseve &
Joseph Isherwood
Susan Duncan
Janet Martino
Concert Program Advertising
Sandra Zinman
Publicity/Social Media
Joseph Isherwood
Susan Duncan
Summer Sings
Sandra Zinman
Monique Robidoux